

Anyone can contribute, please write in proper english and follow this example(can be modified a bit if needed):

# Title of the paper/network/...

(will be updated by a git hook on commit)
_last modified : 31-03-2020_

## General Information (main fields described, non-exhaustive list)

- Title: ...
- Authors: ...
- Link: [article](link to the paper)
- Date of first submission: (to have some idea on the "age" of the article)
- Implementations: (if any found)
    - [Keras](http://awesomelink1)
    - [Caffe](http://awesomelink2)

## Brief



**Evaluated on:**


## How Does It Work

How did the solution to their problem was done

## Results

Here put the results of the network, scores in competitions, ...


If you want to add a dataset, just follow this example as a guideline.

## Dataset Name

- Contains:
    - Vehicles: Cars, Bus, Van, Other
    - Weather: cloudy, sunny, rainy, night
    - Different level of occlusion
    - ...

- Size:
    - more than 140 thousand frames
    - 8250 vehicles manually annotated
    - 1.21 million labeled bounding boxes of objects
    - ...

- Other details:
    - location: 24 different locations at Beijing and Tianjin in China
    - 10 hours of videos captured with a Cannon EOS 550D camera
    - ...

- Article:
    - Authors: ...
    - Link: [article](https://mylink)

- Book:
    - Authors: ...
    - pages: ...

- Dataset: [here](http://mylink)